Tuesday, January 31, 2012

"Biggest Loser" host, dog Winky battle pet obesity (Reuters)

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) ? Alison Sweeney, host of the NBC network's weight loss TV series "The Biggest Loser," has worked with the show's contestants since 2007, supporting them as they drop pounds and learn to lead a healthier way of life.

Now, Sweeney is taking on more weight issues by teaming up with dog food company Hill's Science Diet for the second annual Million Pound Pledge to raise awareness about obesity in pets.

According to the Association for Pet Obesity Prevention, 54 percent of America's pet population is overweight. Sweeney, who also stars on the daily soap opera "Days of Our Lives," became aware of pet obesity when she took her Boston Terrier, Winky, to the vet and was told her pooch could stand to lose a few pounds. After adjusting Winky's diet and making a few changes, the canine is back in shape.

With the Million Pound Pledge, Sweeney is urging pet owners to come together on petfit.com and collectively help their animals drop a combined one million pounds by March 30. One lucky winner will win a free trip to "The Biggest Loser" finale in May. Sweeney spoke to Reuters about the plan and pet obesity.

Q: When did you realize Winky was getting fat?

A: "She was a little thick, but I thought it was kind of cute. The vet explained she was a good two pounds overweight and when your dog is only 19 lbs, that's a lot. People don't realize what a significant difference a pound or two can make on a small animal."

Q: What's the most common mistake people make when it comes to feeding their pets?

A: "The number one mistake is giving pets table scraps. I made the mistake thinking I was showing my dog love by giving her food and treats. You see a tiny 4 oz. piece of cheese, but for a Boston Terrier like mine, that's like one and a half hamburgers. That's unhealthy."

Q: How is human weight loss different that pet weight loss?

A: "Our pets rely on us entirely for their nutrition. So if you're making your own judgments, that could lead to a mistake. At the same time, we have more control over our pet's diet than we do with our children or with ourselves, so your vet can tell you what is appropriate for your dog and you can assign them that. In my experience, it took Winky a couple of days to get used to eating less, but I saw the results in her health and energy right away."

Q: How can we prevent pet obesity in the first place?

A: "Like human weight loss, there's no end date where you say, 'I've taken care of that problem, I never have to worry about it again.' Humans should always exercise and watch what they eat. So with your pet, make sure they get enough exercise, make sure they're getting fed at the same time every day and getting the nutrition they need. And make sure they get a lot of love and attention you both need. That's why you have them!"

Q: Ever think of incorporating pet weight loss in to 'Biggest Loser?'

A: "I would love to. I think it'd be a great addition to the show if we somehow found a way to make it part of the challenge. It would be fun. They deserve their own show too."

Q: Speaking of "Loser," the new season premiered earlier this month and was down about 30 percent in viewers compared to the previous year. Ratings have been falling since trainer Jillian Michaels left the show. Is it a cause for concern?

A: "For our show, and in reality TV in general, you always kind of look to make a change, to shake things up. If it becomes too predictable, it's not interesting. You want to keep everybody on their toes a little bit. I feel like we are part of the solution of the obesity epidemic in this country and so I'm proud to be a part of it and I hope NBC feels the same way for a long time. Ratings have been down across the board for TV and certainly in daytime we've experienced that more than most."

Q: Luckily, your daytime show is still on the air while other soaps such as "All My Children" and "One Life to Live" have recently come to an end. Do their cancellations affect you?

A: "Absolutely, because it affects the whole (soap) genre, the way people feel about daytime television and how confident their feel in their show. That's hard on all of us. I've met so many fans of daytime television who've watched the shows with their moms and grandmas and feel like they've known the characters their whole lives. It's sad for them to have to say goodbye to their favorite soaps and characters. We don't want that to happen to the 'Days' fans."

(Editing By Bob Tourtellotte)

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/weightloss/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20120131/hl_nm/us_biggestloser_pets

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Macedonia Muslims urge restraint over carnival (AP)

SKOPJE, Macedonia ? Muslim leaders in Macedonia appealed for calm on Monday among community members outraged over a carnival in which Orthodox Christian men mocked Muslims by dressing as Burqa-clad women.

The incident at the Jan. 13 Vevcani festival has prompted angry, sometimes violent demonstrations by Muslims, who make up 33 percent of the country's 2.1 million population and accuse the majority of stoking hatred against them.

On Saturday, some protesters attacked buses and defaced a Macedonian flag and replaced it with a green flag to represent Islam. On the same day, a church was attacked by unknown perpetrators in the nearby village of Labunista.

In a statement Monday, Macedonian Muslim leaders called for restraint but also accused the government of promoting Islamophobia.

"The behavior of Muslims should be restrained, but, unfortunately, we are concerned that Islamophobia in Macedonia is often combined with government propaganda," they said. "Such is the case with this carnival that the government annually subsidizes with...the money of all citizens, including Muslims."

The carnival, said to have been held for some 1,400 years, attracts thousands of visitors. Local resident traditionally wear elaborate, frequently sarcastic masks, with some of the most common costumes including devils and demons.

Muslims in Macedonia are almost all ethnic Albanians. Albanians, in Macedonia and elsewhere, have traditionally been secular, but conservative Islamic schools, especially Wahhabism, have taken a foothold in the years following a brief ethnic Albanian uprising in Macedonia in 2001. This spread has been mainly financed from Saudi Arabia.

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/religion/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20120130/ap_on_re_eu/eu_macedonia_religious_tension

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Monday, January 30, 2012

Painful memories of unrequited love

goo Ranking recently looked at painful experiences people had when confessing their love to another.


Over the 25th and 26th of November 2011 1,074 members of the goo Research online monitor group completed a private internet-based questionnaire. 57.4% of the sample were female, 11.6% in their teens, 14.7% in their twenties, 26.9% in their thirties, 25.0% in their forties, 11.1% in their fifties, and 10.7% aged sixty or older. Note that the score in the results refers to the relative number of votes for each option, not a percentage of the total sample.

Note I?ve used ?they?, ?them?, and ?their? rather than ?he/she?, ?him/her? and ?his/her? to make the text more readable, I hope.

Ranking result

Q: What painful experiences have you had confessing your love? (Sample size=1,074)

Rank ? Score
1 I was sure the feelings were mutual but my advance was snubbed 100
2 Before I could confess, a rumour spread that I fancied them 97.8
3 I thought they were free, but they were already in a relationship 83.3
4 When I went to declare my love, I was so vague I didn?t get my feelings across 72.2
5 Against my sober judgement, blurted out my love in a drunken fevour 55.6
6 The day after confessing my love everyone knew all about it 51.1
7= I was nervous and just couldn?t get my words out correctly 42.2
7= I was nervous and just couldn?t get any words out at all 42.2
9 They said they?d reply another day but never replied 40.0
10 I thought they were single, but they were already married 25.6
11 I confessed my love, but was embarrassed and ended with ?By the way, it?s all lies!? 22.2
12 Someone else spotted me as I was declaring my love 18.9
13 When I called out to them, they gave me a dirty look so I couldn?t confess 17.8
14 I sent an ?I love you!? email to the wrong person 13.3
15 I chose a love song at karaoke and stuck their name into it, but they missed it 6.7
16= I came out in a fever so I couldn?t make it to the place I?d asked them to meet me at 4.4
16= I sang a love song I wrote myself, but it put the willies up them 4.4
18 I was so nervous when confessing my love that my clothes were dripping with sweat 2.2
19= I was seen practising my confession speech 1.1
19= I phoned the wrong person but continued to declare my love for them 1.1
Read more on: confession,goo ranking,love


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  • Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/WhatJapanThinks/~3/v4kU9mjdrLE/

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    92% Arthur Christmas

    Arthur Christmas is a beautiful and fun Christmas movie that is sure to be a holiday classic. The story follows Arthur who is the son of Santa Clause, his brother Steve is a smart but at times inconsiderate role model who is second in command to Santa, and when a little girl has a gift that did not get sent Arthur does everything he can to make sure this girl has a Merry Christmas. The plot of the movie is funny and a great lesson to be told about Christmas and children, and what i learned from this movie if anything is that every child needs to believe in Santa, because there is nothing better than believeing that there is somebody who loves you that whill bring you a present on Christmas day, and the characters of the film were good but i found the characters to be a little selfish at times besides Arthur who was a incredibly kind and good charcater and he saved the film in a way from being just a bunch of selfish men wanting to be a star. The voice cast was great, James McAvoy was perfect for the character, Hugh Laurie was also was a well done choice as Steve, Jim Broadbent was good as the voice as Santa, and Bill Nighy was also a great choice for his role, what else can I say for voice actors other than I liked them. The animation was incredible, I could really tell they worked hard to make a beautiful Christmas film and it really payed off big time, I loved the beauty in this film. Arthur Christmas had some few problems that kept it from being a perfect Christmas film, but those were minor compared to the things that they got right that made it a great Christmas film and that will make it remembered for years to come.

    December 30, 2011

    Source: http://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/arthur_christmas/

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    Sunday, January 29, 2012

    Deep-sea fish recordings reveal grunts and quacks

    Ecologists may have captured the first deep-sea fish sounds, hidden among the sounds of dolphins and humpback, fin and pilot whales, they report in a new study.

    More than 50 years ago, researchers hypothesized that sound production in deep-sea fish is common, based on the fact that many of the species have the anatomy needed to produce sound. Most fish make incidental noises as a byproduct of chewing and swimming, but for deep-sea fish, which live in perpetual darkness, communicative noises might be important for survival and reproduction.

    "But just because they have the anatomy to make noises, doesn't mean they necessarily do it," said Rodney Rountree, a marine ecologist at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. "In terms of communicative sounds, we don't know what proportion of the fish do it."

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    Few studies have ever reported recording possible deep-sea fish sounds, so scientists know little about these sounds, Rountree explained. It's not as simple as putting the fish in a tank and listening in on their conversations.

    "Deep-water fish are extremely difficult to keep alive in the lab, and the fish will not make a sound unless you can elicit the behavior tied to the sound," he told LiveScience. For example, you won't be able to hear their reproductive sounds unless you can get them to spawn in the laboratory, which they won't do unless the conditions are just right. [Video of Fish Calls]

    Moreover, until now scientists have not pursued recording deep-sea fish in their natural habitat, mostly because of the lack of adequate, low-cost technology. "Our study was the first where we purposely went out and did that," Rountree said.

    In collaboration with commercial fishermen, Rountree and his colleagues developed a simple deep-water hydrophone. With the device, they recorded 24 hours of deep-water sounds from the seafloor (about 2,237 feet, or 862 meters, below the surface) of Welkers Canyon, which is south of New England's Georges Bank.

    From the recording, they were able to identify various sounds from whales and other cetaceans,but they also heard at least 12 other unique and unidentifiable sounds.

    These mysterious grunts, drumming and ducklike calls could be from whales, but they could also have come from deep-sea fish. "Most fish only hear low frequencies and only produce low-frequency sounds," Rountree said. "The sounds we recorded were in the range that fish typically use."

    If the sounds were indeed produced by deep-sea fish, the continued increases in human-made noise may prove to be problematic, Rountree said. The potential fish noises were just barely above the background noise, he said, "so if the background noise increases too high, it might mask the fish's sounds from each other."

    Rountree and his team are now trying to develop a listening system that incorporates video, in hopes of identifying the creatures that made the enigmatic noises. However, the work has been difficult.

    "When we try to incorporate video, the price tag goes way up, because video requires light, and powering the light becomes a problem," Rountree said. "Right now we are still on the drawing board with trying to come up with a good way to do this."

    They also hope to figure out the meaning behind the grunts and other calls.

    The study appears in the new book, "Effects of Noise on Aquatic Life" (Springer, 2012).

    ? 2012 LiveScience.com. All rights reserved.

    Source: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/46171218/ns/technology_and_science-science/

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    Saturday, January 28, 2012

    Judge: BP contract shielded Transocean in spill (AP)

    NEW ORLEANS ? A federal judge has ruled that the rig owner involved in drilling the ill-fated well that blew out in the Gulf of Mexico was shielded by its contract with BP from having to pay many pollution claims in the nation's largest offshore oil spill.

    U.S. District Judge Carl Barbier ruled Thursday, however, that Transocean Ltd. is not exempt from paying punitive damages and civil penalties that arise from the April 20, 2010, blowout 100 miles off the Louisiana coast.

    He also says Transocean is responsible for claims that are directly related to pollution caused by its rig.

    Alabama Attorney General Luther Strange tells The Associated Press that the Justice Department is working with the states to create an outline for a settlement. A trial on the spill is set for next month.

    Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/us/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20120126/ap_on_re_us/us_gulf_oil_spill_litigation

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    Friday, January 27, 2012

    Debate over Calif.'s new 'clean car' regs (AP)

    SAN FRANCISCO ? Auto dealers say California's proposed rules to require carmakers to build more electric and other less-polluting hybrid cars and trucks by 2025 will cost consumers more money and will stifle the industry's growth.

    Consumer groups say customers might pay more for the vehicles but will save in lower fuel and other costs.

    Both sides submitted testimony Thursday during a meeting of the state's air quality board, which was poised to vote on rules to require that vehicles emit about 75 percent less smog-producing pollutants.

    The new standards, which also include big cuts in greenhouse gas emissions, would begin with new cars sold in 2015, and get increasingly more stringent until 2025. The rules also mandate that one of every seven new cars sold in 2025 in the state be a zero-emission or plug-in hybrid vehicle.

    California Air Resources Board Chairman Mary Nichols said she hopes the rules lead "the nation and the world."

    "We can't afford to wait. We have to act on these issues now," she said at the panel's meeting. "Our projections show continued growth in population and vehicle miles traveled, which will affect air quality for years to come."

    Other states often adopt California's smog emissions standards because they are stricter than federal ones.

    Fourteen states, including Washington, New Jersey, New York and Massachusetts, have adopted the state's current emissions goals, which is why the new regulations could have a wide-ranging effect. Of those states, 10 also adopted the zero-emission vehicle standards.

    But the California New Car Dealers Association and other industry groups representing those who sell cars said the board is overestimating consumer demand for electric vehicles and other so-called "zero-emission vehicles."

    Some dealer groups have estimated that $3,200 would be added to the average cost of a car because of the required technological changes, and that consumers have been slow to adopt them.

    Jonathan Morrison, of the state dealers' association, said car retailers are supportive of new technologies that are accepted by their customers, but said the acceptance of electric and other vehicles has been slow.

    "Consumers do not make purchasing decisions based upon regulatory mandates," he said.

    The board's research staff disputes those estimates and says increases in hybrid and other sales continue to rise as more cars hit the market. They argue that fuel cost savings will make up for any vehicle price increase.

    "Our research shows a $1,400 to $1,900 car price increase. But over the life of the vehicles, the owners save $6,000 in reduced fuel and maintenance costs," board spokesman David Clegern said.

    One of the nation's foremost consumer groups, the Consumers' Union, the policy and advocacy division of Consumer Reports, supports the regulations.

    The rules will "protect consumers by encouraging the development of cleaner, more efficient cars that save families money, help reduce the American economy's vulnerability to oil price shocks and reduce harmful air pollution," according to a letter from the group.

    Automakers including Ford Motor Corp., Chrysler Group LLC, General Motors Co., Nissan Motor Co. Ltd. and others said they generally supported the regulations in short statements delivered during the hearing.

    The overall goal of the state is to have 1.4 million zero-emission and plug-in hybrids on California roads by 2025. But the program also looks ahead to 2050, laying groundwork for a goal of having 87 percent of the state's fleet of new vehicles fueled by electricity, hydrogen fuel cells or other clean technologies.

    Yet the rules do provide some flexibility for automakers by giving them the ability to claim credits toward the state's zero-emission mandates if the company's other models exceed the federal greenhouse gas emissions mandates. The credits could be applied toward those zero-emission vehicle mandates starting in 2018 through 2021.

    However, this aspect of the plan was not supported by many of the U.S. car makers, who said it could take hundreds of thousands of electric and other clean vehicles off the road in that time period, hurting the emerging market.

    "This greenhouse gas over-compliance provision runs counter to the goals of the zero-emission vehicle mandates," said Robert Babick, speaking on behalf of GM. "We don't see how this provision makes the program better."

    The board is scheduled to resume hearing testimony on Friday morning in Los Angeles.

    Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/science/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20120126/ap_on_re_us/us_california_clean_car_standards

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    Higher oil prices, asset sales boost Conoco profit (AP)

    NEW YORK ? Higher oil prices are making it easier for ConocoPhillips to complete a massive transformation this year.

    The Houston energy company said Wednesday that its profit rose 66.1 percent in the fourth quarter even as it produced less oil. Much of that increase came from the sale of pipelines and other assets that became more attractive as the oil they transported rose in price.

    ConocoPhillips reported net income of $3.39 billion, or $2.56 per share, for the October-December period, compared with $2.04 billion, or $1.39 per share, a year earlier. Revenue increased 17.2 percent to $62.4 billion.

    Excluding special gains, earnings were $2.02 per share. That beat analyst estimates of $1.77 per share on revenue of $45.1 billion.

    ConocoPhillips is in the final stages of a three-year overhaul of its worldwide operations that will make it much smaller, and, the company hopes, easier to grow in the future. Since 2010, ConocoPhillips has shed $10.7 billion in assets, including some of its least profitable businesses, and it plans to sell more than $1 billion more by the end of 2012.

    It also will spin off its refining business into a separate company, Phillips 66, before June.

    The company picked a good time to transform itself. Surging oil prices are supporting revenue even as it produces less. And they helped ConocoPhillips get top dollar for oil field equipment, pipelines and other assets.

    "They're finding a seller's market right now," Raymond James analyst Pavel Molchanov said. "There's a lot of demand for those assets."

    Oil production declined for ConocoPhillips in the quarter as it closed operations and experienced a series of setbacks around the world. The Libyan rebellion shut down the company's joint ventures in that country while oil production off the coast of China slowed down while ConocoPhillips dealt with an oil spill.

    Altogether, production dropped 13.3 percent in the final three months of 2011. Exploration and production profits fell 5 percent in the quarter, but the decline would have been much worse if not for an increase in oil and natural gas prices.

    ConocoPhillips sold crude worldwide for an average of $97.22 in the quarter, up 22.4 percent from the same period last year. It sold natural gas for $5.34 per 1,000 cubic feet, up 4.9 percent from last year.

    Chief Financial Officer Jeff Sheets told investors in a conference call that production should drop further this year. The company expects to pump 1.6 million barrels of oil equivalent per day in 2012, down from 1.62 million barrels in 2011.

    More asset sales should further reduce oil production this year. Also, the company may shut down some natural gas production in North America this year because of low prices, Sheets said.

    Meanwhile, refining and market profits soared as the company sold $1.55 billion in pipelines and other refining assets. Altogether, the company's refining business earned $1.7 billion in the quarter.

    Profit at ConocoPhillips' chemicals unit increased 32.2 percent to $156 million and its midstream business increased earnings 30 percent to $118 million.

    For the full year, ConocoPhillips said its net income rose to $12.4 billion, or $8.97 per share, compared with $11.4 billion, or $7.62 per share, in 2010. Annual revenue increased 26.5 percent to $251.2 billion.

    ConocoPhillips is the first major oil company to report financial results for the fourth quarter. Chevron Corp. plans to release its quarterly figures on Friday, followed by Exxon Mobil Corp. and Royal Dutch Shell next week. Occidental Petroleum Corp. on Wednesday reported a 35 percent jump in quarterly profits as it increased production and sold crude for higher prices.

    ConocoPhillips shares fell 63 cents to close at $69.98 on Wednesday.

    Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/energy/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20120125/ap_on_bi_ge/us_earns_conocophillips

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    Thursday, January 26, 2012

    Wednesday, January 25, 2012

    Verizon releases Q4 results, sees jump in revenue, broadband subscribers, net loss

    Verizon has just come out with its Q4 results this morning, ending the fiscal year with yet another solid revenue report, and a decidedly less rosy net loss. According to the provider, total revenue reached $18.3 billion during the final quarter of 2011, up 13 percent from last year. Verizon saw a particularly notable spike in data revenue, which reached $6.3 billion, representing a 19.2 percent increase over the year, and comprising nearly 42 percent of all revenue. Overall, though, VZW finished the quarter with a net loss of $2.02 billion, compared to the $2.64 billion profit it saw last year. The company also saw an increase in its subscriber base, adding 98,000 broadband customers in the span of a quarter, including 201,000 FiOS internet users, 194,000 new FiOS video subscribers, and a net addition of 1.2 million postpaid customers. As far as demographics go, smartphones now comprise a full 44 percent of Verizon's consumer base, up from 39 percent last quarter. For the full year, total revenue finished at $70.2 billion, up 10.6 percent from Big Red's 2010 figures. For more stats and breakdowns, check out the full PR after the break.

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    Tuesday, January 24, 2012

    AUTOMOTIVE - AUTOS: Charity Hot-Rod Sale Benefits Children Of ...

    What started out as a church project by a group of car-savvy volunteers came to fruition at Barrett-Jackson on Sunday when the 1932 Ford hot rod named Metal of Honor sold for $150,000 to benefit the children of slain and disabled military people.

    Forty-three Medal of Honor recipients signed the trunk lid. (Photo: Bob Golfen) Besides being a handsome and well-built street machine, the most-significant feature of the roadster is on the trunk lid, where there are the signatures of 43 recipients of the Medal of Honor, the highest military decoration awarded by the United States government.

    ?The car is incredible, but the car is just incidental to what it represents,? said Barrett-Jackson president Steve Davis as he introduced the high-boy roadster surrounded by some of the Medal of Honor winners and other military personnel.

    To support the cause, the church group from Barrington, Ill., created the Ironmen Foundation to ?provide scholarships for the children of our slain and disabled soldiers.? Every penny of the $150,000 will be donated to the foundation, with Barrett-Jackson waiving all fees for its many charity sales.

    One-hundred percent of the parts and equipment for the roadster project were donated by suppliers and speed shops, both local and national, and every man hour of the build were by the church volunteers along with guidance from local professionals.

    The interior carries on the military theme, with aircraft seats and other features. (Photo: Bob Golfen) The main color is Olive Drab with hand-painted side graphics of digital camouflage. The interior is tan khaki and green with military aircraft seats. Inside the trunk are military ammo boxes and satchels.

    ?Motorhead Design House produced the Robert Horn-designed Medal of Honor emblems on the bullnose, wheel hubs, horn button and fabric inset,? the builders say in the vehicle description.

    Before the sale, retired Army Lt. Col. Hal Fritz said that the car and the charity ?represent the sacrifice and dedication by a lot of men and women.?

    ?The Ironmen Foundation put this car together with love and with that thought in mind,? Fritz said. ?It?s dedicated to all of those who are serving today. Some of those will be killed in the course of their duty, which is why this is such an important cause.

    ?And why this car is so much more than just a piece of metal.?

    Bob Golfen, Automotive Editor for SPEED.com, is a veteran auto writer based in Phoenix, Arizona, with a passion for collector cars, car culture and the automotive lifestyle. SPEED.com fans can email Bob Golfen at

    Source: http://automotive.speedtv.com/article/autos-charity-hot-rod-sale-benefits-children-of-slain-or-disabled-veterans/

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    Monday, January 23, 2012

    Investing in beaten-down market sectors could be good bet in 2012 ...

    Investors placing their bets for 2012 are faced with the classic dilemma. Stick with market sectors that performed best last year, or search for value in beaten-down names?

    The question is especially tricky considering that 2011 was a turbulent ride of mixed economic news at home, worse news abroad and painful sell-offs that tested even seasoned traders. Investors? reaction was textbook ? dive into stock mutual funds stuffed with big, dividend-paying companies known for relative stability in good times and bad.

    That meant top-performing funds focused on utilities, consumer staples and health care companies. On the other hand, mutual funds heavy on financial stocks were among the worst, sideswiped by Standard & Poor?s downgrade of the U.S. credit rating and continued financial turmoil in Europe.

    With the U.S. economy showing more signs of strength, now might be a good time to move some money into depressed sectors.

    But is that strategy a good policy for personal investing in 2012? Here?s a look at the sectors that analysts are watching:

    Financials flop ? Mutual funds that focus on banks and brokerages are certainly trading at prices well below a year ago, but many analysts are not yet ready to jump in.

    The S&P 500 financials were crushed in 2011, falling 18 percent amid Europe?s tumult and lingering trouble in the battered real estate industry. Not surprisingly, mutual funds that are heavy in financials got battered last year. Analysts say the banking industry remains under pressure, especially with no sign that the European debt crisis is ready to let up. There are a number of reasons to be concerned about the sector.

    Story continues below

    ?You?ve got other factors, like regulation, Dodd-Frank, that are crimping the way large banks do business,? said Jack Ablin, chief investment officer at Harris Private Bank in Chicago. He also pointed out that low interest rates hamper the sector.

    Defensive moves ? With the state of the global economy in doubt, as it was for much of 2011, investors flocked to defensive stocks, companies that produce things people buy whether or not the economy is thriving. Utilities were the top-performing sector in the S&P 500. Consumer staples jumped 10.5 percent.

    Many of the year?s top-performing funds focused on the utilities sector, including top-ranked ProFunds Utilities UltraSector, which returned nearly 26 percent. But some experts say defensive sectors such as utilities and consumer staples now are a little too expensive.

    Health care stocks remain promising despite last year?s run-up, several analysts said. That?s because even after a 10 percent gain for the S&P health care stocks in 2011, the sector is still far below historic highs. And even with uncertainty in Washington about the future of health care, an aging population will increasingly need medical care.

    Technology boost ? An anticipated jump in business spending may make technology ? a flat sector last year ? a good bet in 2012.

    Since the financial crisis in 2008, corporations across the globe dialed back spending and instead sat on their cash. This might be exactly the time when companies begin to replace aging computers and other technology, especially with the U.S. economy looking a bit brighter. Tech stocks in the S&P 500 inched up just 1.3 percent overall in 2011.

    Next Page ?

    Source: http://www.sltrib.com/sltrib/money/53336362-79/investors-percent-sectors-care.html.csp

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    Ron Paul turns to caucuses (Politico)

    COLUMBIA, S.C. ? Ron Paul finished a disappointing fourth in South Carolina?s primary Saturday, but he didn?t seem in the least bit bothered.

    The Texas congressman delivered his concession speech to a roaring crowd by noting that only 37 delegates have been awarded after the first three primary contests, less than two percent of the overall total who will choose the Republican nominee at the party?s convention this summer.

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    ?This is the beginning of a long, hard job,? Paul said. ?We will continue to do this. There?s no doubt about it.?

    While his opponents turn their attention to Florida?s Jan. 31 primary ? where Paul has said he will not actively campaign ? Paul now looks North and West. He said Saturday night that his goal was to disseminate his unconventional message through amassing as many delegates as possible. Riding into the Republican convention in Tampa this summer with a large number of delegates ensures that Paul is a force to be reckoned with in the Republican Party, which is uncomfortable with many of Paul?s libertarian positions.

    ?In the beginning, I thought it would just be promotion of a cause,? Paul said in the 17-minute speech. ?Then it dawned on me, when you win elections and you win delegates, that?s the way you promote a cause.?

    In the short term, Paul spokesman Gary Howard said the campaign would try to eke out some delegates ? you need 1,144 to win the GOP nod ? from primary states. But Paul may get more traction on Super Tuesday?s March 6 caucuses in smaller states like Idaho and North Dakota, a strategy that worked to candidate Obama?s advantage in 2008. Paul already has started to build substantial organizations in those states.

    Over the next two weeks, Paul will invest in caucuses in Nevada on Feb. 4; in Maine from Feb. 4 to 11; and in Colorado and Minnesota on Feb. 7. With visits slated to those states and paid media targeted to them, Paul has made clear he will focus on galvanizing his younger, more independent-minded base for the lower-turnout affairs.

    ?We will be going to the caucus states ? because that?s the name of the game, and we will pursue it,? he told more than 200 supporters inside a cavernous bar down the street from the state capital.

    Caucuses offer the chance to win more delegates at a lower cost. Turnout tends to be much lower at caucuses than primaries, and voters who turn out tend to be more motivated, giving more leverage to a well-organized campaign with passionate supporters like Paul?s.

    Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/politics/*http%3A//us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/external/politico_rss/rss_politico_mostpop/http___www_politico_com_news_stories0112_71771_html/44260088/SIG=11mbd1orv/*http%3A//www.politico.com/news/stories/0112/71771.html

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    Sunday, January 22, 2012

    Treating Diabetes, Depression Together May Make Sense (HealthDay)

    FRIDAY, Jan. 20 (HealthDay News) -- Patients with depression and type 2 diabetes showed more improvement when they received simultaneous treatment for both conditions, researchers report.

    Their 12-week study of 180 patients found that nearly 61 percent of those who received integrated care combined with a brief program to help them adhere to their medication regimens achieved improved blood sugar test results, and almost 59 percent had a reduction in depression symptoms.

    Among patients who received usual primary care for the two conditions, nearly 36 percent had improved blood sugar test results and about 31 percent had a reduction in depression symptoms, said the researchers at the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania.

    The study appears in the January/February issue of the journal Annals of Family Medicine.

    There is a link between depression and diabetes, the researchers noted. Depression is a risk factor for diabetes, and diabetes also increases the risk of depression. Depression is common in diabetes patients and contributes to poor adherence to diabetes medication regimens, which can lead to poorer diabetes management.

    In the integrated treatment group, care managers worked with participants to increase their adherence to both diabetes and depression medications, addressing barriers such as medicine costs and lack of social support.

    "Though research demonstrates the link between depression and diabetes, few integrated programs are being implemented in practice," study lead author Dr. Hillary Bogner, an assistant professor of Family Medicine and Community Health in the Perelman School of Medicine, said in a university news release.

    "Our results demonstrate that integrated treatment for both conditions, combined with a brief program focused on adherence for primary care patients with type 2 diabetes and depression can result in a significant improvement in clinical outcomes. We hope the findings will encourage the adoption of adherence programs aimed at improving outcomes," Bogner added.

    More information

    The U.S. National Institute of Mental Health has more about depression and diabetes.

    Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/diseases/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/hsn/20120120/hl_hsn/treatingdiabetesdepressiontogethermaymakesense

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    Obama in Florida to unveil plan to boost tourism

    [unable to retrieve full-text content]WASHINGTON (AP) ? President Barack Obama is pitching a plan for boosting tourism to the U.S. by speeding visa processing, choosing a Walt Disney World theme park for the announcement just as Republicans prepare to blanket Florida ahead of the state's Jan. 31 presidential primary.

    Source: http://hosted2.ap.org/APDEFAULT/386c25518f464186bf7a2ac026580ce7/Article_2012-01-19-Obama/id-a8adf80891e54f8d8801173865a30f53

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    Friday, January 20, 2012

    Why Android Handsets are Bigger Than the iPhone

    Why Android Handsets are Bigger Than the iPhoneThe iPhone screen is, and probably always will be, 3.5 inches. But Android handsets have gotten enormous over the last year or two, to the point where 4.3 inches feels standard, if not a bit small. Why is that?

    We've already heard a good explanation as to why the iPhone screen has stayed at 3.5 inches. Using it with one hand, your thumb can reach pretty much any area of the screen as you walk down the street staring at Google maps. That's great.

    But, uh, why hasn't the same design principle been applied to Android devices? Why is 4.3 inches now such a standard size for Android handsets? Eh?

    There are two interesting theories that have cropped up. The first, suggested by Jin Kim, cites the the way in which Android renders its display as the cause of the growth. On his blog he writes:

    Android OEMs and Google responded to the 3.5-inch 960?640 Retina display by improving the pixel format to 1280?720. But because Android renders text and graphics like Windows or OS X, increasing resolution above 320 ppi means smaller UI elements. The display had to grow in size to compensate for shrinking UI elements.

    Basically, the way iOS uses its increased resolution is to increase the clarity and sharpness of what it displays. Because of the way Android's rendering engine is currently set up on most phones, matching the iPhone's resolution but keeping the same 3.5-inch screen size would make the icons and text about one fourth smaller. (Note that it is possible for Android devices to rival the retina display clarity, but, uh, nobody seems to bother.)

    That would make text uncomfortably small and reduce the size of on-screen tap targets. To match iPhone resolution and maintain usability, while still using the same rendering techniques, Android phones will always have to be bigger, suggests Kim.

    John Gruber offers an alternative, and perhaps complementary, suggestion. He argues that the current rash of larger Android phones is a result of accommodating LTE. On his blog he writes:

    Currently-available LTE chipsets are physically bigger (AnandTech made the case months ago that none of them would fit in the iPhone 4/4S case design), and because they're so power-hungry, they require bigger batteries. Thicker phones aren't going to fly. Thus: wider and taller phones with displays expanding to fill the surface.

    The slight flaw in this argument is that we saw some Android devices with screens over 4 inches before LTE was around. But the fact that some folks always associate bigger screens with higher quality could have driven demand for them, and what we're seeing now, with most Android phones growing in screen size, could be down to LTE support. If this explanation is correct, we might expect to see Android devices shrink as LTE chipsets get smaller.

    One final thought: with the iPhone still market-leader, I think it's fair to say that people neither desperately want nor need massive screens on their phones. Size: it doesn't matter, guys. [Jin Kim and John Gruber]

    Source: http://gizmodo.com/5877084/why-android-handsets-are-bigger-than-the-iphone

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    Wall Street rises but off highs as Citi sinks (Reuters)

    NEW YORK (Reuters) ? Stocks advanced on Tuesday, pushing the S&P 500 to its highest since early August, but sharply pared gains late in the session as Citigroup's steep drop in profit gave investors a reason to unload bank shares.

    The financial sector, which has outperformed the broader market so far this year, took a hit on investors' disappointment with Citigroup Inc's (C.N) earnings.

    Citigroup's stock slid 8.1 percent to $28.25 after it reported weaker-than-expected earnings. The KBW Banks Index lost 1.4 percent. Through Friday, the KBW Banks Index was up about 10 percent for the year, while the S&P 500 was about 2 percent higher.

    The banks' sell-off poured cold water on a rally that drove the S&P 500 through 1,300 for the first time since August.

    Stocks rallied about 1 percent across the board after data showed China's economic growth was better than expected, even though it expanded at the weakest pace in 2-1/2 years.

    "The better numbers out of China this morning got the market off to a better start, but then there wasn't much follow-through, and you have had what looked to be from JPMorgan and Citigroup not very good-looking earnings," said Eric Kuby, chief investment officer of North Star Investment Management Corp., in Chicago.

    Citigroup's results followed similarly disappointing earnings on Friday from JPMorgan Chase & Co (JPM.N).

    The Dow Jones industrial average (.DJI) rose 60.01 points, or 0.48 percent, to 12,482.07 at the close. The Standard & Poor's 500 Index (.SPX) added 4.58 points, or 0.36 percent, to 1,293.67. The Nasdaq Composite Index (.IXIC) gained 17.41 points, or 0.64 percent, to 2,728.08.

    Bank shares also suffered on Friday ahead of the widely expected announcement by Standard & Poor's that it was downgrading the credit ratings of nine euro-zone countries.

    "It was expected that some of the big banks would continue struggling, especially those heavily involved in investment banking because that part of the financial system has clearly slowed down," said Bryant Evans, investment advisor and portfolio manager at Cozad Asset Management, in Champaign, Illinois.

    While Wells Fargo & Co (WFC.N) posted a 20 percent jump in quarterly profit, its stock, which earlier had risen more than 1 percent to a session high at $30.69, pulled back sharply from that peak and ended up just 0.7 percent at $29.81.

    The Nasdaq outperformed the other major U.S. stock indexes, with shares of Applied Materials (AMAT.O) up 2.4 percent at $11.78. RBC upgraded the stock to "outperform."

    The benchmark S&P 500 briefly moved above 1,300 on an intraday basis for the first time since August 1. Analysts said a substantial move past that resistance point could trigger more buying.

    On the downside, Carnival Corp (CCL.N) shares slid 13.7 percent to $29.60 as its Italian unit, Costa Crociere, struggled to locate missing passengers after a cruise liner capsized. Fellow cruise operator Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd (RCL.N) fell 6.2 percent to $26.97.

    On the U.S. economic front, a gauge of manufacturing in New York State rose to its highest level in nine months, keeping in line with the trend of modest improvement in U.S. economic data.

    Volume totaled 6.74 billion shares traded on the New York Stock Exchange, NYSE Amex and Nasdaq, just above the daily average of 6.68 billion.

    Advancing stocks outnumbered declining ones on the NYSE by about 3 to 2, while on the Nasdaq, advancers beat decliners by about 13 to 12.

    (Reporting By Caroline Valetkevitch,; Editing by Jan Paschal)

    Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/business/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20120117/bs_nm/us_markets_stocks

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    Wednesday, January 11, 2012

    Wildwood church offers Divorce Care

    Wildwood Church will begin DivorceCare for adults and its companion program DC4K for kids on Sunday Jan. 22, from 5 to 7:30 p.m. DivorceCare and DC4K are nondenominational and features biblical teaching for recovering from divorce and separation.

    DivorceCare is a 13-week seminar/support group that addresses various issues related to separation and divorce. The program's DVD series features nationally recognized experts discussing topics such as "Facing My Anger," Facing My Loneliness," "Depression," "New Relationships," "Kid Care" and "Forgiveness."

    DC4K for kids is a comprehensive 13-week program designed to run concurrently with the adult program for children ages 5-12 years of age. DC4K follows the same schedule and age-appropriate content themes as the adult program allowing parents and children to progress through the healing process together.

    Sample topics for kids include "What's Happening to My Family?" "Facing My Anger," "I Am Not Alone," and "Telling My Parents How I Feel."

    According to Ben Chandler, who facilitates DivorceCare at Wildwood with his wife Karen, "There aren't many people around you who understand the pain and devastation divorce and or separation cause. DivorceCare offers a safe community where people who are struggling with the same issues are able to understand what you are feeling and will be able to offer one another encouragement."

    With increasing frequency, the issues of divorce are coming to our churches. People hurting from divorce or separation are showing up at churches seeking help and healing for their pain. It may be the first time they've set foot in a church, or they may be returning after a long time away.

    When a person experiences separation or divorce, he or she needs help and support right away.

    DivorceCare groups are designed to be open so that a person can begin coming any week. People going through divorce need long-term support and care. Healing from divorce can take months, even years. DivorceCare provides a consistent, ongoing ministry to fit their needs.

    Wildwood Church is located at 100 Ox Bottom Road.

    Childcare is available (infants-4 years of age) free of charge. Contact Wildwood at 894-1400 to find additional information concerning registration.

    Source: http://www.tallahassee.com/article/20120108/CHRONICLE/201080322

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    Tuesday, January 10, 2012

    SunCoke Energy sees 2011 adjusted EBITDA $148M-$153M

    January 10, 2012

    08:39 EDTSXC
    theflyonthewall.com: SunCoke Energy says expects India entry in 2012
    08:39 EDTSXC
    theflyonthewall.com: SunCoke Energy sees FY12 EPS $1.30-$1.65 vs. consensus $1.52

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    08:38 EDTSXC
    theflyonthewall.com: SunCoke Energy sees FY12 CapEx approximately $150M

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    08:37 EDTSXC
    theflyonthewall.com: SunCoke Energy sees 2012 adjusted EBITDA $250M-$280M

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    08:37 EDTSXC
    theflyonthewall.com: SunCoke Energy sees 2011 adjusted EBITDA $148M-$153M

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    January 9, 2012

    17:25 EDTSXC
    theflyonthewall.com: SunCoke Energy to be added to S&P 600; School Specialty deleted as of 1/17

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    08:50 EDTSXC
    theflyonthewall.com: Sunoco announces distribution ratio for special dividend

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    January 6, 2012

    08:05 EDTSXC
    theflyonthewall.com: SunCoke Energy reports preliminary Q4 U.S. coke production

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    Source: http://www.theflyonthewall.com/permalinks/entry.php/SXCid1556125/SXC-SunCoke-Energy-sees--adjusted-EBITDA-MM

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    Monday, January 9, 2012

    2012 NFL Mock Draft: Round 6, 01/09

    January 9, 2012 in Uncategorized by Steve Shoup

    Round 1,?Picks 17-32,?Round 2,?Round 3,?Round 4,?Round 5, Round 6, Draft Blog,?NFL Draft Page

    160. St. Louis Rams- LB Tyler Nielsen, Iowa

    161. Indianapolis Colts- TE Rhett Ellison, USC

    162. Washington Redskins (via Minnesota)- CB Omar Bolden, Arizona State

    163. Tampa Bay Buccaneers- S Eddie Whitley, Virginia Tech

    164. Cleveland Browns- DE Jack Crawford, Penn State

    165. Jacksonville Jaguars- RB Tauren Poole, Tennessee

    166. Washington Redskins- QB B.J. Coleman,?Chattanooga

    167. Buffalo Bills- LB Danny Trevanthan, Kentucky

    168. Miami Dolphins- OG Ryan Miller, Colorado

    169. Carolina Panthers- OT James Brown, Troy

    170. Seattle Seahawks- OG Antoine McClain, Clemson

    171. Kansas City Chiefs- TE Brian Linthicum, Michigan State

    172. San Diego Chargers- RB Terrence Ganaway, Baylor

    173. Chicago Bears- RB Brandon Bolden, Ole Miss

    174. Arizona Cardinals- WR B.J. Cunningham, Michigan State

    175. Dallas Cowboys- QB Russell Wilson, Wisconsin

    176. Philadelphia Eagles- FB Evan Rodriguez, Temple

    177. New York Jets- G Jaymes Brooks, Virginia Tech

    178. Oakland Raiders- DT Derek Wolfe, Cincinnati

    179. Tennessee Titans- TE Kevin Kroger, Michigan

    180. Cincinnati Bengals- CB D?Anton Lynn, Penn State

    181. Detroit Lions- FS Sean Catthouse, California

    182. Atlanta Falcons- LB Adrian Robinson, Temple

    183. Pittsburgh Steelers- QB Chandler Harnish, Northern Illinois

    184. Philadelphia Eagles (via Denver)- WR Marvin Jones, California

    185. New York Giants- WR Juron Criner, Arizona

    186. Houston Texans- WR Jordan White, Western Michigan

    187. Baltimore Ravens- DT Nicolas Jean-Baptiste, Baylor

    188. San Francisco 49ers- ILB Mychal Kendricks, California

    189. New Orleans Saints- OT James Cameron, Miss. State

    190. Philadelphia Eagles (via N.E.)- P Drew Butler, Georgia

    191. Green Bay Packers- DE Matt Conrath, UVA

    Round 1,?Picks 17-32,?Round 2,?Round 3,?Round 4,?Round 5, Round 6, Draft Blog,?NFL Draft Page

    Source: http://fanspeak.com/nfldraft/2012/01/09/2012-nfl-mock-draft-round-6-0109/

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    Saturday, January 7, 2012

    Roku expands beyond Internet video-streaming boxes

    (AP) ? Roku is thinking outside its set-top box in an attempt to bring more Internet video to flat-panel televisions.

    The new approach will rely on a finger-sized device that won't require extra cords or separate remote controls to stream video over high-speed Internet connections. The product, called the Roku Streaming Stick, will plug directly into a high-definition port available on a growing number of new-breed TVs, just as a flash drive fits into a computer's USB outlet.

    The streaming stick won't be available until the second half of this year, but Roku announced it Wednesday to get a jump on the onslaught of consumer gadgets that will be unveiled next week at an annual electronics show in Las Vegas.

    Roku's streaming stick will only work on televisions that have mobile high-definition links. The technology, known as MHL, is being backed by a group that includes Samsung Electronics Co., Sony Corp. and Toshiba Corp.

    Although it's still a small company, Roku Inc. has emerged as a significant player in the steadily growing market for Internet video since it introduced its first set-top box nearly four years ago. Originally designed to deliver Netflix's Internet streaming service to big-screen TVs, Roku's boxes now include more than 400 different online entertainment options.

    As Roku added more choices, the prices of its boxes have fallen to as low as $50 ? down from device's original price of $100. The price cuts and expanded programming line-up helped Roku sell about 1.5 million streaming boxes last year, tripling its volume from 2010. The privately held company says it had about $150 million in revenue last year. It won't say whether it's profitable.

    The streaming stick is expected to sell for $50 to $100. Electronics retailer Best Buy Co. plans to include the streaming stick in a line of TVs bearing its in-store brand, Insignia.

    Roku, which is based in Saratoga, Calif., decided to develop a more condensed version of its set-top box to cater to so-called "smart" TVs. That's become a catchphrase for TVs that can be used to show content from stored on websites and mobile devices in addition to the more conventional fare from cable and satellite carriers.

    Unlike smartphones running on software made by Apple Inc., Google Inc. and other technology vendors, smart TVs still remain more of a geeky novelty than a household staple.

    Google has tried to widen the acceptance by developing Internet-surfing software for smart TVs, but that effort hasn't made much headway since it launched 15 months ago. Apple is believed to be working on a smart TV that could hit the market this year or next year. .

    Associated Press

    Source: http://hosted2.ap.org/APDEFAULT/495d344a0d10421e9baa8ee77029cfbd/Article_2012-01-04-TechBit-Roku-Streaming%20Stick/id-49a361484207438baad5e9a75ff9031b

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    Tuesday, January 3, 2012

    MBB: Washington State gets 81-76 win over Oregon State

    SPOKANE, Wash. (AP) -- Pac-12 basketball teams play 18 league games, but Washington State coach Ken Bone said he feared an 0-2 start in conference play might prove fatal to the Cougars.

    Brock Motum helped calm Bone's fears by recording team highs of 26 points and eight rebounds in an 81-76 win over Oregon State on Saturday at Spokane Arena.

    "If we come out and we're flat or we just don't play well, then maybe we aren't that good," Bone said. "We kind of put it on our shoulders and put the onus on us as a team and as a staff: `Can we get the job done?' The guys did a nice job."

    DaVonte Lacy scored 18 points for the Cougars (9-5, 1-1 Pac-12), who have won seven of their past eight games.

    Jared Cunningham led Oregon State (10-4, 0-2) with 21 points. Backcourt partner Ahmad Starks scored 14 of his 18 points in the second half. Joe Burton added 14 points and seven rebounds.

    Bone said Saturday's game represented "a real test of our character" after the Cougars opened Pac-12 play with a dismal performance Thursday in a 92-75 loss to the Oregon Ducks.

    "They came out and smacked us," said WSU point guard Reggie Moore.

    Moore was crucial to Saturday's win. He handled Oregon State's pressure defense expertly, making just one turnover in 35 minutes. He also scored eight points and handed out a season-high nine assists.

    "He had great composure," Bone said.

    Motum, a 6-foot-10 junior from Australia, worked well inside and from the perimeter. He was 10 of 15 from the field, including 3 of 5 on 3-pointers, and finished one short of his career high of 27 points. Motum scored WSU's first nine points.

    "He's a competitor," Bone said. "He understands what was at stake."

    Motum said he shared Bone's concern about the impact of an 0-2 start in league play. Motum said the Oregon State game represented a "gut check, and I thought we pulled through really well and came together as a team, shared the ball and played the right way. It was fun."

    Washington State led almost all the way, but the Cougars had to deliver at the free-throw line in the final two minutes to clinch the game. Oregon State trailed only 77-74 after Starks hit his fifth 3-pointer with 51 seconds to go.

    "We have the ability to fight back," Starks said. "We showed some toughness, but we need to start earlier."

    Washington State shot 54 percent from the field, including 50 percent (6 of 12) on 3-pointers. Oregon State shot 46 percent.

    The Beavers started the day ranked first in the Pac-12 and eighth in NCAA Division I in scoring, averaging 83.2 points per game. The Beavers were leading the league and tied for fourth nationally with 10.1 steals per game. They had 10 more Saturday, including four apiece by Cunningham and Starks.

    "Jared's super fast," Starks said. "He anticipates a lot of things."

    Source: http://www.king5.com/sports/MBB-Washington-State-gets-81-76-win-over-Oregon-State-136492303.html

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    Oregon powers past Wisconsin 45-38 in Rose Bowl

    Oregon quarterback Darron Thomas (5) celebrates with Kenjon Barner (24) after throwing a touchdown pass during the second half of the Rose Bowl NCAA college football game against Wisconsin, Monday, Jan. 2, 2012, in Pasadena, Calif. (AP Photo/Mark J. Terrill)

    Oregon quarterback Darron Thomas (5) celebrates with Kenjon Barner (24) after throwing a touchdown pass during the second half of the Rose Bowl NCAA college football game against Wisconsin, Monday, Jan. 2, 2012, in Pasadena, Calif. (AP Photo/Mark J. Terrill)

    Wisconsin's Nick Toon, left, scores a touchdown as Oregon's Ifo Ekpre-Olomu defends during the second half of the Rose Bowl NCAA college football game, Monday, Jan. 2, 2012, in Pasadena, Calif. (AP Photo/Matt Sayles)

    Wisconsin's Montee Ball (28) goes over Oregon's John Boyett (20) and others as he is stopped during the second half of the Rose Bowl NCAA college football game, Monday, Jan. 2, 2012, in Pasadena, Calif. (AP Photo/Matt Sayles)

    Oregon De'Anthony Thomas (6) celebrates his 64-yard touchdown with Mark Asper (79) during the second half of the Rose Bowl NCAA college football game against Wisconsin, Monday, Jan. 2, 2012, in Pasadena, Calif. (AP Photo/Jae C. Hong)

    Oregon's John Boyett (20) stops Wisconsin running back, Montee Ball (28) during the second half of the Rose Bowl NCAA college football game, Monday, Jan. 2, 2012, in Pasadena, Calif. (AP Photo/Mark J. Terrill)

    (AP) ? The Oregon Ducks had waited 95 years to win another Rose Bowl, and the last few seconds stretched for an eternity. The players in mirrored helmets held each other back on the sideline, waiting on tiptoes for video review to confirm Wisconsin was out of time.

    The call went Oregon's way. The Ducks stormed the hallowed field.

    The most futuristic team in college football had buried another bit of history, and that revolutionary offense finally has a shiny trophy that will look right at home among those eye-catching uniforms.

    Darron Thomas passed for three touchdowns, De'Anthony Thomas scored on runs of 91 and 64 yards, and the No. 6 Ducks earned their first bowl victory under coach Chip Kelly, holding off the Badgers 45-38 Monday night in the highest-scoring Rose Bowl ever played.

    "We had no doubt this year that we were going to come out and do big things," said Darron Thomas, who passed for 268 yards. "It's a big statement for the Oregon program."

    Indeed: The last time Oregon won the Rose Bowl, beating Penn 14-0 in 1917, the players wore leather helmets, not those shiny numbers that exemplify every innovation the Ducks have created during Kelly's three-year tenure.

    Oregon (12-2) showed off that creativity with 621 total yards ? second-most in Rose Bowl history ? against the tough Badgers, playing at its usual frantic pace until the final whistle. Lavasier Tuinei caught eight passes for 158 yards and two TDs for the Ducks, who had no postseason success to show for Kelly's otherwise wildly successful three-year tenure until this landmark offensive performance.

    "None of us were around 95 years ago, and we never talked about it," Kelly said. "We're a forward-thinking operation, and we're always looking ahead."

    Maybe so, but it's unlikely anybody from Oregon will forget how this one ended.

    With two long passes, Russell Wilson moved the Badgers to the Oregon 25, but with 2 seconds left and no timeouts. After waiting for the ball to be set, he spiked it to set up a last-ditch heave to the end zone, but the clock hit zeros while he did it.

    The Ducks were winners after video review, holding Wisconsin scoreless in the fourth quarter.

    "It would have been nice to have a chance there," said Wilson, who passed for 296 yards and two scores. "With 1 second left, I think we could have capitalized."

    The Ducks don't doubt it: The 98th Rose Bowl was that kind of game. The Granddaddy of Them All had never seen this many points, beating the record 80 scored by Washington and Iowa in 1991.

    "We knew we had to score almost every time we touched the ball," Wisconsin tailback James White said.

    Montee Ball rushed for 122 of his 164 yards in the first half for the Badgers (11-3), who lost the Rose Bowl for the second straight year despite managing 508 yards of their own. Ball tied Barry Sanders' FBS record with his 39th touchdown of the season, but the Heisman Trophy finalist was held to three carries for no yards in the fourth quarter.

    Wisconsin had two drives to tie it after Oregon kicked a field goal with 6:50 to play, but Jared Abbrederis fumbled near the Oregon sideline after making a long catch. The ball plopped onto the turf without even bouncing, and Oregon's Michael Clay jumped on it with 4:06 left.

    That video review went the Ducks' way, too.

    "I have to be more careful with the ball," said Abbrederis, who made a TD catch on the opening drive. "They made a big play. I can't dwell on this. I have to move forward and look towards next year. We're all human. This will make me better."

    The Ducks and Badgers produced the highest-scoring first quarter (14-14) and first half (28-28) in Rose Bowl history, eventually surpassing the 80 scored in Washington's 46-34 win over Iowa in 1991. Oregon's yardage fell just short of USC's 633 yards against Illinois in 2008.

    Sure, Baylor's 67-56 win over Washington in the Alamo Bowl last Thursday might have packed bigger sheer numbers. But Wisconsin and Oregon commanded a much bigger stage ? and the Ducks unleashed every bit of their formidable offensive power.

    Tuinei was named the Ducks' offensive player of the game, but their flashiest star in those futuristic helmets was De'Anthony Thomas, the freshman from Los Angeles who showed off his electrifying athleticism on the longest scoring run in Rose Bowl history in the second quarter, going 91 yards up the middle. He added a 64-yard scoring run in the opening minute of the second half as Oregon won the matchup of the last two losers of the Rose Bowl.

    Wisconsin lost 21-19 to TCU last season, and the Ducks lost to Ohio State two years ago before losing the BCS title game last year.

    "It almost felt like there was some sort of magical force keeping us from getting it done in bowl games," Oregon guard Carson York said. "Glad we did it today."

    LaMichael James rushed for 159 yards and an early TD in his likely college finale for the Ducks, and Kenjon Barner caught a TD pass from Darron Thomas.

    Nick Toon caught a TD pass for Wisconsin, and defensive end Louis Nzegwu returned a fumble 33 yards for a score in the second quarter.

    Both teams won their respective conferences' first-ever league title games to earn this trip to Pasadena. Although the Ducks' drought was generations longer, Wisconsin hasn't won in Pasadena since Jan. 1, 2000, when Ron Dayne led the Badgers to back-to-back Rose Bowl titles.

    Oregon quickly debunked the theory that teams with extra time to prepare for the Ducks' inventive offense have a better chance to stop it. The Ducks were 1-4 in bowl games and season openers under Kelly until they carved up Wisconsin with the second-biggest yardage performance in Rose Bowl history.

    Wisconsin set the tone from its opening drive, going 77 yards in seven plays for Abbrederis' wide-open 38-yard TD catch just 3:12 in.

    De'Anthony Thomas ended the record-breaking first quarter by bursting through the Wisconsin line and sprinting down the Oregon sideline for a 91-yard score, surpassing Tyrone Wheatley's bowl-record 88-yard run in 1993 and capping the second-longest scoring drive in Rose Bowl history at 95 yards with Oregon's longest run all season.

    Wisconsin opened the second quarter with Ball's record-tying TD, but Darron Thomas found Barner open down the seam for a 54-yard score on Oregon's next play. Both defenses then got a brief chance to shine: The Ducks stopped Wisconsin on fourth down inside the Oregon 20, but blitzing Wisconsin linebacker Mike Taylor forced Darron Thomas' fumble moments later, and Nzegwu scooped and scored.

    Oregon calmly answered with Tuinei's 3-yard TD catch with 30 seconds left. The teams' 56 combined points in the first half surpassed the record 45 scored by Wisconsin and UCLA in 1999.

    De'Anthony Thomas' 64-yard TD run put Oregon ahead for the first time, but the Badgers swung ahead with Wilson's 18-yard TD pass to Toon. After the quarterbacks traded interceptions, Darron Thomas found Tuinei for his second score just 25 seconds into the fourth quarter, putting the Ducks ahead to stay.

    NOTES: The game-time temperature was 82 degrees, making it the warmest bowl game in Wisconsin history. ... It was also the highest-scoring bowl game in Wisconsin history, and the Badgers tied the school bowl record with 38 points. ... Oregon is 2-4 in the Rose Bowl. ... Oregon LB Kiko Alonso was the defensive player of the game with an interception and 1? sacks.

    Associated Press

    Source: http://hosted2.ap.org/APDEFAULT/347875155d53465d95cec892aeb06419/Article_2012-01-02-Rose%20Bowl/id-6a05500b77e5400eae43c2b8f653acf6

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