Sunday, August 4, 2013

Obama administration overrules Apple import ban

President Obama's trade representative on Saturday vetoed a ban on imports of some Apple iPads and older iPhones, dealing a setback to rival South Korean electronics company Samsung.

U.S. Trade Representative Michael Froman overruled a June decision by the U.S. International Trade Commission, which had banned imports of the iPhone 4 and some variations of the iPad 2. The commission ruled that the Chinese-made Apple devices violated a patent held by Samsung and couldn't be imported. The ban never went into effect, though, because the Obama administration had 60 days to decide if it would uphold the commission.

Obama is against import bans on the basis of the type of patent at issue in the Samsung case. The White House has recommended that Congress limit the ITC's ability to impose import bans in these cases.

Samsung and Apple are in a global legal battle over smartphones. Apple argues Samsung's Android phones copy vital iPhone features. Samsung is fighting back with its own complaints.

In an email, Apple spokeswoman Kristin Huguet said the company applauded the administration "for standing up for innovation." A message seeking comment from Samsung was not returned.

Froman wrote in a letter to the commission that he has concerns about patent holders getting too much leverage over competitors that use their technology under licenses.

Companies license patented technology to competitors so the devices can communicate as part of an industry standard for cellphones. Under the "standards-essential patent" legal theory prevailing in federal courts, holders of such patents are obligated to license them to all comers on "fair, reasonable and non-discriminatory" terms.

U.S. courts have ruled that such patents cannot be the basis for import bans. The International Trade Commission follows a different standard than the courts, but the Obama administration wants it to adhere to the same principles.

Froman wrote that he shares the Obama administration's concerns that the holders of standards-essential patents could get "undue leverage" over their competitors.

Last year, a federal court ruled that Samsung owed Apple $1 billion in damages for infringing on non-essential Apple patents. But the judge refused to impose an import ban on Samsung phones and later struck $450 million from the verdict, saying the jurors miscalculated. The case is set for a rematch in appeals court.

Samsung is the world's largest maker of smartphones. Analysts estimate it outsold Apple nearly 2 to 1 in the first three months of the year. However, Apple's smartphone business is more profitable

The iPhone 4 was launched in 2010 and is the oldest iPhone still sold by Apple. The ITC ruling applied only to the AT&T version of the phone. Apple is likely to retire the model.

Apple launched the iPad 2 in 2011. The ruling applies only to the version equipped with a cellular modem for AT&T's network.

The ruling also applies to older iPhones, though these are no longer sold by Apple.


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Saturday, August 3, 2013

Sen. Mitch McConnell fighting for his political life?

Mitch McConnell of Kentucky ? the top Republican in the Senate ? faces a tea party challenge in the primary; then, if he survives, a promising young female Democrat in the general. This weekend, the Fancy Farm Picnic will test everyone.?

By Linda Feldmann,?Staff writer / August 2, 2013

Senate minority leader Mitch McConnell (R) and GOP leaders talk to reporters at the Capitol on Thursday, as Congress prepares to leave town for a five-week recess. Back home in Kentucky, Mr. McConnell faces a tea party primary challenge in the runup to the 2014 election.

J. Scott Applewhite/AP


It?s only just begun, but the reelection battle of Mitch McConnell ? the top Republican in the Senate ? is already shaping up to be the marquee race of the 2014 midterms. ?

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Start with the primary challenge Senator McConnell faces from Matt Bevin, a wealthy, tea-party-backed businessman, reportedly willing to spend his own money. If McConnell makes it past Mr. Bevin, he?s poised to face likely Democratic nominee Alison Lundergan Grimes, Kentucky?s secretary of state and member of a well-connected political family, in the general election.

Add to the mix McConnelll?s mediocre job approval ratings in the state ? only 45 percent in the latest poll, by the Republican firm Wenzel Strategies.

McConnell?s biggest liability may well be his leadership role in Washington. The Republican minority leader hasn?t been able to keep near-civil war from breaking out within his party. If there?s a government shutdown this fall, Republicans could come in for heavy public blame. Even if President Obama is deeply unpopular in Kentucky, Congress is worse off.

Two new polls show a race between McConnell and Secretary Grimes within the margin error, and on Friday, the nonpartisan Cook Political Report moved the race to tossup.

?A lot of it has to do with McConnell,? says Jennifer Duffy, senior editor at the Cook Political Report. ?A lot has to do with frustration with Congress, and Democrats have done a pretty good job of blaming him for everything.?

McConnell?s biggest blow so far has been the primary challenge by Bevin. The five-term McConnell is an experienced politico ? he?s the longest-serving US?senator in Kentucky history ? and he put together an experienced reelection team early, including recruiting Kentucky tea party Sen. Rand Paul's campaign manager. He?s been raising money ever since Election Day 2012, and by mid-July reportedly had $9.6 million in the bank.

But none of that scared off Bevin, a partner in a Louisville hedge fund who blames McConnell for compromising with Democrats. So before McConnell can focus solely on beating Grimes, he has to fend off Bevin, and avoid becoming the latest member of the Washington GOP establishment to fall to a tea party challenge.


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Friday, August 2, 2013

GOP, open door to immigration reform

By Steve Israel, Special to CNN

updated 7:51 AM EDT, Thu August 1, 2013

Steve Israel says House Republicans, led by Speaker John Boehner,should stop thwarting immigration reform.


  • Steve Israel says his grandparents fled persecution in Russia to seek promise of U.S.
  • He says post-election hopes that the parties could unite over immigration reform have dimmed
  • He says Rep. King has insulted Latinos; Boehner-led GOP using procedural tactics to deny vote
  • Israel: Boehner's use of Hastert Rule is barrier to bipartisanship, thwarts will of the people

Editor's note: Steve Israel is a Democratic representative from New York and chairman of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee.

(CNN) -- Whenever I have to make a tough decision, I look up at the wall of my office, where I have hung the original immigration certificates and pictures of my grandparents. They fled Russia and immigrated to the United States at the turn of the last century.

Though I lost them many years ago, they have always been my source of inspiration. I look into those eyes that saw poverty, persecution, anti-Semitism and hatred, and along with fear, I see something else: hope. Their eyes are wide open to the promise and opportunity of America.

After the 2012 elections, it seemed there was one issue that could unite Republicans and Democrats: reforming our nation's broken immigration system so that more people like my grandparents could live the American Dream.

Fast-forward eight months. In the Senate, the hope for bipartisan cooperation is now reality. By a wide margin -- one that is unheard-of in today's polarized Washington -- the Senate passed a comprehensive immigration bill that guarantees our nation's borders are secure, protects American workers and offers undocumented immigrants an earned path to citizenship that is tough but fair.

Steve Israel

Steve Israel

The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office reports (PDF) that comprehensive immigration reform will strengthen our economy and reduce the deficit, so not only is reform the right thing to do, it's also fiscally sound policy.

The only obstacles to finally fixing our broken immigration system are Speaker John Boehner and House Republicans. If House Republicans fail to act, voters who care about this issue -- especially our growing Hispanic population -- will know they can't count on House Republicans.

Instead of moving forward in the weeks since the Senate bill passed, House Republicans have allowed intolerant voices to remain the face of their party on immigration. People like Rep. Steve King, who has compared immigrants to dogs and DREAM Act-eligible children to drug runners, don't deserve a place on the Judiciary Committee that will decide the future of immigration reform.

If House Republicans are serious about having a constructive debate, they will remove King from his position of authority. While it is true that Boehner's House has given us little reason to be optimistic and King's rhetoric is contrary to the principles that make this country great, I still have hope for the future of immigration reform.

There are several House Republicans whose constituents will demand progress on immigration, and House Democrats want to work with them on finally achieve lasting reform. We can do this, but only if we do it together.

We all came to Congress knowing we would face hard choices. For Boehner, that hard choice means abandoning the foolish Hastert Rule, which requires that "the majority of the majority" party support legislation before it can be brought to a vote in the whole House, an artificial barrier to bipartisan cooperation. In effect, the rule keeps the speaker in power while preventing Republicans and Democrats from coming together. And most troubling, it thwarts the will of the people, a consequence that is fundamentally at odds with who we are as Americans.

I don't think that when my grandparents took those pictures, they ever imagined they would be hanging in the United States Capitol. But I know that if they believed that it was possible anywhere, it was only possible here -- because they had a voice in their government.

There are 434 members of the House who could probably tell a similarly inspiring story about their families' immigration journeys. For the good of the country, I hope Boehner draws strength from all of these stories to do what is right for this nation of immigrants.

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The opinions expressed in this commentary are solely those of Steve Israel.


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Children's Tumor Foundation award for Plymouth researcher

Children's Tumor Foundation award for Plymouth researcher [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 2-Aug-2013
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Contact: Andrew Gould
University of Plymouth

Dr. Lu Zhou, a member of a team of researchers at Plymouth University Peninsula Schools of Medicine and Dentistry whose area of expertise is brain tumours, has been awarded a fellowship by the Children's Tumor Foundation.

The Children's Tumor Foundation is a US-based charity which aims to improve the health and wellbeing of children with multiple tumours of the brain, neurofibromatosis (NF). By supporting research in this area it is hoped that therapies and cures may be developed for a condition for which the only treatments are invasive surgery and/or chemotherapy.

Dr Zhou has been awarded the charity's Young Investigator Award, part of a programme that provides support for pre- and post-doctoral researchers pursuing careers in NF research. The award provides two years of salary ($108,000) and a $5,000 allowance over the life of the award to support attendance at the Foundation's annual NF Conference as well as other conferences and events relevant to NF.

The research that has attracted this award has seen Dr. Zhou investigate the role of certain proteins in the mechanisms that cause the growth and proliferation of NF tumours. By understanding how the mechanisms work, Dr. Zhou and his colleagues can develop therapies based on existing drugs which could halt the spread of NF tumours contributing greatly to the quality of life and survival rates of NF sufferers.

Dr. Zhou has worked in NF research since 2008, when he joined Professor Oliver Hanemann's world-recognised research group. Under Professor Hanemann's supervision, Dr. Zhou has developed his expertise and he has had research published in prestigious journals such as Cell, Neoplasia and Oncogene. His work has also received funding from Cancer Research UK.

He said: "I am delighted to receive the Children's Tumor Foundation; Young Investigator Award. It will help me to establish myself as an independent NF researcher and also network with other scientists in the field of NF research. This is not just good news for me it is also good news for our research team which is taking a lead in innovative research designed to target NF."


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Children's Tumor Foundation award for Plymouth researcher [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 2-Aug-2013
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Contact: Andrew Gould
University of Plymouth

Dr. Lu Zhou, a member of a team of researchers at Plymouth University Peninsula Schools of Medicine and Dentistry whose area of expertise is brain tumours, has been awarded a fellowship by the Children's Tumor Foundation.

The Children's Tumor Foundation is a US-based charity which aims to improve the health and wellbeing of children with multiple tumours of the brain, neurofibromatosis (NF). By supporting research in this area it is hoped that therapies and cures may be developed for a condition for which the only treatments are invasive surgery and/or chemotherapy.

Dr Zhou has been awarded the charity's Young Investigator Award, part of a programme that provides support for pre- and post-doctoral researchers pursuing careers in NF research. The award provides two years of salary ($108,000) and a $5,000 allowance over the life of the award to support attendance at the Foundation's annual NF Conference as well as other conferences and events relevant to NF.

The research that has attracted this award has seen Dr. Zhou investigate the role of certain proteins in the mechanisms that cause the growth and proliferation of NF tumours. By understanding how the mechanisms work, Dr. Zhou and his colleagues can develop therapies based on existing drugs which could halt the spread of NF tumours contributing greatly to the quality of life and survival rates of NF sufferers.

Dr. Zhou has worked in NF research since 2008, when he joined Professor Oliver Hanemann's world-recognised research group. Under Professor Hanemann's supervision, Dr. Zhou has developed his expertise and he has had research published in prestigious journals such as Cell, Neoplasia and Oncogene. His work has also received funding from Cancer Research UK.

He said: "I am delighted to receive the Children's Tumor Foundation; Young Investigator Award. It will help me to establish myself as an independent NF researcher and also network with other scientists in the field of NF research. This is not just good news for me it is also good news for our research team which is taking a lead in innovative research designed to target NF."


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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.


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Ontario Centre of Excellence Voucher for Innovation and Productivity

The Ontario Centre of Excellence (OCE) is now offering the OCE Collaboration Voucher Program in order to connect Ontario small and medium-sized businesses with research institutions that may help them overcome obstacles to improve productivity, performance and competitiveness. Post-secondary collaboration credit offered through the OCE?s Voucher Program are not Ontario small business grants, but rather as the name suggests vouchers that can be redeemed for research services from participating Ontario research institutions.?bigstock-Business-innovation-creative-i-38799352

OCE Collaboration Voucher for Innovation and Productivity Allows Access to Multiple Canadian Small Business Grants through a Single Application

The Collaboration Voucher for Innovation and Productivity allows Ontario small and medium-sized businesses the opportunity to apply for the Voucher program and 4 Canada small business grants simultaneously through a single application to the program.


Stay connected with Mentor Works for greater details regarding program eligibility and the application process by signing up for our Canadian government funding weekly e-newsletter.

OCE Voucher and Small Business Grants Eligibility

In order to be eligible for this program, and thus qualify for the associated Ontario business grants, businesses and their projects must meet the following requirements:

  • Project length must be 6 months to maximum of 1 year.
  • Include one or more investing companies and one academic applicant
  • Company must be based in Ontario and the commercialization and results of the project must be used in Ontario
  • Academic partner must be an Ontario accredited public academic institution (college, university, research hospital)
  • 1:1 cash plus in-kind matching is required
  • A minimum of 25% cash-contribution is required. The remainder can be in-kind.
  • OCE contributions are provided to the academic institution who is partnering with the company
  • Applicants must be in good financial and reporting standing with OCE
  • Other program partner rules and eligibility apply for Connect Canada, NSERC Engage, NSERC ARD-1 and NRC-IRAP

Learn More about the OCE Voucher Program and Small Business Grants Canada

To find out more about small business grants and loans programs follow us on YouTube, Google+, LinkedIn and Twitter.? You can also sign up for our Canadian business grants and small business loans weekly e-newsletter


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