Monday, August 20, 2012

How to Use LinkedIn for Business Networking | BzzHive - Harris ...

I want to use LinkedIn for networking. What are some tips for?getting value from?it?

Key Takeaways:

  • Sharing resources and advice to increase value
  • Using LinkedIn to set up face-to-face meetings
  • LinkedIn (and general social media) etiquette

Not so long ago, Rotary clubs and chamber events were the way to connect with professionals in the business community. And while traditional social network groups are still strong in many areas, virtual communities, like LinkedIn social networking, are fast becoming the small business pro?s place for building a network. Here are strategies for navigating the world?s largest business social media website:

Become the go-to person.

The best relationships in life involve give and take. And that concept extends to networking with LinkedIn. Build professional relationships by looking for ways to help connections and other members. Share a resource with a colleague who posted a discussion question or provide insight on a connection?s exasperated status update. Each time you share genuinely helpful expertise on the business social media site, you boost your value within the community.

Take it face to face.

Use LinkedIn social networking to set up face-to-face time with connections. Use the site?s Events app to review listings for seminars, conferences, or meet-ups. If you see an event you?re attending, scope the RSVP list to find out which of your connections are also attending. Send a message to let them know you?ll be at the event and would welcome the chance to meet for pre-session coffee or connect over happy hour.

Be nice.

Being nice is a LinkedIn social networking tactic? Yes. When we communicate online, our brains sometimes perceive that we?re talking to a computer screen and not with an actual person. The result can be brusque or less-than-mannered messages. And while most small business owners and decision makers are professional enough to avoid outright rudeness, it?s easy to make etiquette errors on a business social media network.

Networking with LinkedIn will only be a success if you interact with the manners your mom taught you?and then some:

  • Be wary of using sarcasm, especially with connections you don?t enjoy a close relationship with.
  • Use professional business writing skills (i.e. avoid the LOLs and LMAOs unless it?s a close colleague).
  • Respond to requests for introductions and recommendations quickly and professionally. If you?re unable to help the person, politely let him or her know.
  • Be aware of time, cultural, and regional differences.

Don?t be pitchy.

Think of LinkedIn social networking as a virtual business lunch or networking event. You wouldn?t dream of walking up to a person you?ve just met and saying, ?Here, look at my product.? Instead use LinkedIn interactions, like those on Answers or discussions, to share information. Successfully networking on LinkedIn is a product of building relationships and establishing credibility?not pitching the hard sell.

Want to build a network of professionals who will help you grow your small business? Networking on LinkedIn?s business social media site may be one of the tools you need. So get out there and start connecting!

Tags: linked in, LinkedIn, LinkedIn for business, small business networking, social media, social networking


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