Wednesday, October 31, 2012

House District 52 Campaign Finance Report | Politics Extra

Margy Conditt, the incumbent Republican representing Ohio?s House District 52, is holding the purse strings over her Libertarian and Democratic opponents, with more than $50,000 in contributions since the primary, recently released campaign finance documents show.

Her big donors include the Buckeye Firearms Association, which gave $3,231; the Time Warner Cable Ohio PAC, which gave $3,000; the AK Steel PAC, which gave $2,500; and the Realtors PAC, which gave $2,000.

House District 52 includes West Chester and Liberty townships, in Butler County.

The pre-General Election campaign reports filed Oct. 25 show that Libertarian candidate Robert Coogan has raised just $350 in contributions from a few individuals.

Democratic candidate and newcomer Branden Rudie did not file a pre-General Election report by Oct. 25.

Posted in: Butler County, Democrats, Election 2012, Ohio Legislature, Republicans, Updates

Tags: 52nd Ohio House District, Branden Rudie, Margaret Conditt, Robert Coogan


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