Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Momster | Blog | Favorite Home Staging Trick : Fresh Coffee Brewing


I am working on a project now all about Home Staging into today?s real estate marketplace? ?As a designer, I do a great deal of consults with homeowners looking to sell their homes. ?They want creative direction from me about how to ?stage? their home or ?set the stage? to make their homes more appealing to perspective buyers. ? We always talk about what to do room-by-room ? what to take away, what to fix, what to make more visually appealing, etc. ? However, one factor that many people overlook is the sense of smell?Keep in mind ? when someone walks into your home for the first time ? all your senses are affected -including what that home smells like. ?It?s a simple and very important thing to think about.


Today, on my Designer Dad Daily Blog ? I talked about a coffee that I love because it combines two favorite things of mine ? coffee and pi?on. ?Pinon incense smells like smoldering firewood ? which I love ? but I also know that the smell of brewing coffee throughout a house ? says ?welcome home? too?


So, something to think about as you think about your home environment?How it affects your senses and those of others? ?If you are selling your home ? the old stand by of coffee brewing is still a must-do?


More tips on home staging to come?


Celebrity home designer and family-focused lifestyle expert Stephen Saint-Onge is Family Circle magazine?s contributing home editor.

He writes about home on his blog?Designer Dad, as well as here on?Momster.com.


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