Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Top 10 Outsource Resources for Christian Business Owners

I have a busy life.

I?really do.

I have a wife, son, daughter on the way, an internet business and etc. My life is caved with responsibilities.

And if I?m busy?I KNOW you?re busy!

Which brings me to our? next point: outsourcing.

What is Outsourcing

Simply put: its delegating responsibilities of your business to someone else to free up your time and leverage your success. Some outsourcing example are:

a)???? Customer Service & Admin

Customer Service, email management and answering phone calls

Updating your databases of clients and of subscribers

Managing projects and coordinating members of your team

Event Management: booking venue, managing logistics and AV, etc.

Preparing monthly sales & expenses reports, paying suppliers, etc.

Travel arrangements: booking flights, hotels, taxis, holidays, etc.

b)??? Web design

Setting up blogs and websites

Setting up membership sites

Graphic design

c)???? Writing & content creation

Transcribing interviews

Writing ebooks and courses

Updating your membership sites with new content

d)??? Traffic Generation

Researching and contacting potential joint venture partners for adswaps

Contacting potential Joint Venture partners for ?Webinar swaps?

Managing your Facebook account

Managing your YouTube account

Managing your LinkedIn accounts

Managing your Twitter accounts

Updating your blog

Building niche WordPress blogs that sell affiliate products

Updating your eBay listings

Creating Facebook Pages

Managing your Facebook Pages

Getting more fans for your Facebook Pages

Managing your Facebook Ads campaigns

Organizing Facebook Events to promote your events

Inviting your subscribers to join you on Facebook

The possibilities really are endless!!

I have been on a outsourcing spree. Granted, some have not panned out like I expected, but others have surpasses my wildest dreams!

Top Resources?to Outsource

You can hire outsourcers from all over the world (I?m epsecially fond of countries OUTSIDE the US and UK as the cost of living in these countries is astronomical in comparison to India or the Phillipines). Check out these sites:

But what do you think? Can outsourcing work for you? What has been your experience with it?

Your thoughts?

Image by 360 Vendor Management

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