Wednesday, June 6, 2012

easy smoothie recipe |

smoothie recipe


G?day from my old cottage, logging in today with easy smoothie recipes ? well not really recipes more just the way I have been doing it.

So I don?t know if you?ve gathered but I am a gal who likes to take the easy route in a lot of things in life, I like to wing it. ?Often. ?And I have concocted many ways in many things to get good results (hello slow cooker and one-bowl baking, hello Mavi jeans) but with minimal effort.

However where one?s health is concerned there ain?t much room for winging it and as I have gotten older I appreciate that a whole lot more and I think about what goes in to this old bod quite a bit?.

beach cottage smoothie recipe raspberries



?for most of the time and for most of my life I like simple, easy food, made with real ingredients without the addition of chemicals? real butter yes please, don?t even think about offering me something called Flora ;-) , full fat milk in my coffee, all the way, red meat, you betcha?I have always thought it quite simple really, eat those things in moderation and balance it out with shed loads of the good stuff (purrlease those diet purists that pooh pooh such things as red meat in the smugness of their latest fad have always had little impact on a real girl with a budget, with real kiddos and a husband who, mostly, has an appetite for England)



So, despite this belief in real food living, in butter, and fat and cheese and carbs alongside that I have always tried to include a glut load of the green and colourful stuff to soak it all up and even it all out and it?s always worked out pretty well?

?but a few months into this year and as my life has gotten busier, there were, ahem, rather a lot more of the butter and carbs bit and a lot more of winging it in the old fruit, veggie and colourful bit?winging it had been happening too often?.I noticed that I was far from stuffing my face with Maccas every mealtime but that during the daytime I was ?grabbing something on the run too often?and one day as I packed my the Beach Cottage kiddos a stack loads of veggies and fruit in their lunch while myself feeling already shattered, I realised duh that I was winging it too much?



coconut oil


So I looked around for a quick fix?.a down-in one healthy, get some vitamins in me PDQ kinda trick, a slow cooker version of the fruit and veggie world.

And much as I hate to sound all healthy and chakras and toxins and energy boosters, this post is about just that, what I found that is easy, healthy & good ? how consuming one of these every day has helped ? it?s not an all-healing, all conquering, all nurturing drink in a (vintage) cup that will change your life, but, if you are a busy mum of three who gets a dramatic drop at about 3pm just when the real taxi-driving-headless-chicken stuff begins then this may help.

Having a vat of this stuff in the fridge has helped me a bunch and it?s proving pretty popular here too?

I just make up a few days worth of this in one go, pop it in the fridge and all is well in the world. ?Making your own is about a zillion times cheaper than those little bottles you get of fruit smoothie in the supermarket (though have to say I keep a few Nudie boys in my fridge to grab and go too) and it?s not too much effort?I just chop up whatever fruit we have that I like the look of (that normally will be strawberries, raspberries, bananas, apples, oranges, grapes), then add some herbs and veggies, stuff it in the blender and whizz?.

I don?t have a fancy pants blender (hello Mr Beach Cottage, KitchenAid please), I have an el cheapo smoothie maker courtesy of this shop and I am very pleased with how it?s going (it?s not on the website but it is an ?Abode Smoothie Maker?) ?- I bought it because I wasn?t sure how this smoothie thing was going to go but so far so good ? it comes with two containers to blend the fruit in that come with lids with pourers so once you have whizzed up the smoothie, you just pop the lid on, bung it in the fridge and then just pour from there when you want a glass?too easy!

beach cottage smoothie coconut oil



1. chop your fruit/veggies roughly before adding to the blender

2. add some veggies ? I like celery, cucumber, carrot, watercress ?

3. add a liquid base with fruit juice (I use juice that I wouldn?t normally buy in a fruit for some variety)

4. a squeeze of lemon or lime is a great boost

5. harness the power of the frozen fruit ? this will make the smoothie cold and packed full of the good stuff ? I buy frozen raspberries, blueberries, blackberries, cranberries etc?

6. add herbs ? quick, easy and simple way to get the beneficial, curative or preventive qualities from herbs down in one quick hit ? I just grab from the garden ? basil, parsley and anything I fancy throwing in?

?chia seeds

7. add seeds ? chia & flax are the ones I use the most

8. throw in a spoonful of coconut oil (I have been using this for a while now it seems to do all the things you hear about it)



smoothie recipe


Of course, I am blogging the healthy things that I am making an effort to get down this forty-is-the-new-thirty throat of mine so that I can drink more Peroni?s. ?You knew that though didn?t you ;-)

Seriously this is helping me a lot, much more than I thought it would, I am hardly a fast food unhealthy hoover who doesn?t do any exercise but it is amazing what a dose of one of these can do for one?

smoothie abeachcottage blog


Here are some more combos and clean food /healthy eating things I have been doing?



If you are feeling tired all the time, as I sometimes am, give this a go -? one of these every day about mid-morning has definitely helped me, hence me blogging it?

Do you make these smoothies too? ?If so I would love to hear some of your fruit juice smoothie combos and ideas too?and of course any ways you avoid the mid-afternoon slump?




easy smoothie recipe


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