Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Privacy on the Mind | Federated Networks

Well, early week start and we nhave online privacy on the mind.

?On the internet, nobody knows you?re a dog?? This clever service announcement recently posted by @mashable, reminds us that online privacy has been a hot debate since the early ?90?s.

Humours, clever, and still rings true some 18 years since its conception.
Review: http://on.mash.to/N5CGvW

If the facebook co-founder is worried about his online privacy, don?t you think you should be also?

In a recent article, Eduard Saverin, co-founder of Facebook, expressed his anxieties over sharing too much online.? He goes on to explain how important it is to limit pictures and personal information on such social platforms.

Read more: http://fxn.ws/LcXv6e

Who wins in the social game of online privacy? The Eff?s privacy and protection score card shows that some networks expose you while others keep you mostly under wraps.

According to ZDNet, Google, Twitter and Sonic are today?s top trustworthy tech companies.

Read more: http://zd.net/LcX9Nc

Never before has so much personal data been so assessable online, and yet people continue to stay in the dark about their ability to get hacked.

??the interconnectedness of information on the web presents security risks around every corner, from trivial to serious, not only for individuals, but also the companies that employ them. For example, social media sites can be used by companies to gather information on their competitors, leveraged by hackers to mine data to target a single company, and employed by identity thieves to collect information on that can be used to guess or recover passwords. Public information on individuals and organizations, in large part because of social media, is readily available, and for its malicious use requires little expertise.? ? SC Magazine

Read more: http://bit.ly/LcYaoe

What headlines do you have on the mind? Tweet us @fednetworks and lets get talking about privacy.



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