Sunday, July 21, 2013

Dog Days of Summer: Harry, the black lab from London

If you're ever reading one of the articles I write for TUAW and notice a typo, chances are it's because of this black lab. This is Harry ("Harold" to close friends), who lives with me in London. Whenever I'm writing he's usually sitting right next to me and will let me know it's time to stop and take him for a walk by bumping my arm with his head. Harry is pretty much the best dog you could ever ask for for so many reasons, but what's especially amazing is I've actually gotten him to successfully communicate with my friend's greyhound via FaceTime.

Dog Days of Summer Harry, the black lab from London

If you've got a Dog Days nominee to share, let us know via our feedback page (and please remember that the photo has to have some sort of connection to Apple and its products). For security reasons we can't accept inbound attachments, so you should host the photo (Dropbox, Flickr, iPhoto Journals, etc.) and send us the link.



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